Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Catching Dust!

Something about the way you Smile, i may never know the Reason why... 

I am in the process of doing my undergraduate research project with autistic children.  Being an expressive person myself , i’m quite intrigued by the interplay of emotions. So when i was reading about autism and their ‘deficit’ of emotional understanding and attachment, it was hard to digest which is why i began my journey to explore and experiment...

Nevertheless, i shall rant less about my research and more about my new found love. Yes, I have been swept off my feet by one of such priceless ‘gem’ that I discovered during my exploration.  Her name is Muskaan which literally translates to a smile.

Muskaan is a 13 year old (extremely pretty) autistic and non verbal child. This means that apart from autistic symptoms, she has not spoken a word or a syllable or a sound since her birth. Quite evidently, being a non verbal child, I could not proceed with my ‘research design’ with her, since my activity involved at least basic communication verbal with the child. Moreover, Muskaan has also had frequent epileptic fits since the age of 2 years. She is EXTREMELY thin, with no basic human instinct to eat and drink (so practically food has to be forced into her). She also suffers from gravitational insecurity (especially an avoidance towards stairs, though she is comfortable in an elevator.)

The only time that I spent with her was 2 hours (1 hour on each day) during her session of Auditory Integration Therapy. I am told that she has made marked improvements. There was a time when Muskaan would just refuse to hear any sound or music and immediately locate it’s source to unplug it. She also has this obsession of holding pins (board pins or staple pins) in her hand, but she is not at all self injurious. She also has this constant habit of peeling... (wood paint or scratching anything that is scratch-able).

Even though I spent only 2 hours with her, her presence in my life has been bliss. That one hour with her seemed like ages of communication making time- elastic and filtering moments. The first time I met her, she did not seem scared of me at all (otherwise very atypical of her behaviour).  The second time I met her, was after a gap of 20 days. She entered the room, came towards me and held my sweater from the waist. Was she hugging me? :O *dazed* I would definitely like to assume YES! And this was one of those moments i felt i was in a trance and unable to react. She spent some time looking around in the room, locating the pin and holding it in her hand. The speech therapist and i had to forcefully make her sit down to make her listen to musical rhymes on the computer as part of her routine.

Muskaan generally has an expressionless face, with only occasional slight smiles. Her smiles are to die for... i used to literally dance whenever i would see her smile or meet her eye (as she rarely makes an eye contact). The moment of absolute bliss was when she would turn towards me, in hope that i would help her ‘escape’, by holding my hand on the last day. She held my hand soo tightly that she just wouldn’t leave me even after her session was over and she was supposed to go to the first floor in the elevator.! :O What is all this if this is not COMMUNICATION of emotions?

I am told that Muskaan is only close to her mother. She has an elder sister and father with whom there is not much of interaction. Sad...aint’t it? If Muskaan was my biological sister , i would dedicate my life to her, pamper her, LOVE her! =( [ i still would though... i’m never ever going to forget her!] she has taught me the meaning of ‘relationship’.  Muskaan loves to wander when left to herself... imagine.. she is so FREE! Can normal humans ever match this level of detachment and yet unconditional love? Can you imagine undergoing intense physical or emotional pain and not complaining about it? us, so called normal human beings just know how to crib and whine about little worries. Can you imagine talking incessantly to a person, without ever being conscious of being JUDGED in return? I spent some beautiful moments talking with Muskaan that i’ve never felt soo comfortable talking to anyone else! Muskaan teaches us the power of non verbal communication. She is not Abnormal.. she is Above-normal! =) We have so much to learn from these autistic children...that i'm overwhelmed with my every encounter with each one of them. they're far more interesting than us! =)

And all that I'm left with my encounter with Muskaan in the beginning of this journey of the ‘kind’of people i would like to interact and share my life with, are the words of wisdom by my Sir, that it doesn’t matter what kind of therapy you are practicing... because “EVERYBODY RESPONDS TO LOVE”...
I love Muskaan...

वो मासूम सी आँखें 
वो धीमी सी मुस्कान ,
वो प्यारा सा चेहरा 
भर के आकांक्षाएं हज़ार ...

वो छोटी सी पल्कें 
वो होटों की सरसराहट ,
वो मोती आसूं का 
रह गया मेरे पास ...

वो  गुनगुनाती ख़ामोशी 
वो सपने देखने की चाह 
वो मद्धम हो रही ज़िन्दगी की आहट 
 क्यों नहीं सुन पाया मैं आवाज़ ?!

वो मासूम सी आँखें 
वो धीमी सी मुस्कान ...

Don’t be so caught up in words... you’re lucky to be able to speak... so keep EXPRESSING... in any medium that you’re comfortable in! =)
Blessed be

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cosmic Dance

Only dance, and your illusions will blow in the wind
Dance, and make joyous the love around you
Dance, and your veils which hide the Light
Shall swirl in a heap at your feet…
-The Dancing Cry Of The Soul, ~Rumi

Jaya jaya shiva shambhu


Chaos to order →order to self→ self to meditation → meditation to others →others to back to self.

No wonder i love circles! I have been shaking a leg in this cosmic dance especially in the last month of 2012. Words can’t describe... but i will still try to give you a glimpse of the last few moments of 2012. I’m a strong believer in universe’s conspiracy. When you want something, it happens. It happens when you have the intent of making it happen. Oops got, philosophical there. Nevertheless, i just wanted to share my travel to Rishikesh, Tehri and New Tehri. It’s amazing how travelling, mountains, river and the chill in the air make me soo happy, at peace with myself, and this time, engaging me to make me better connected with the microcosm, my relationship with the microcosm! Damn, i love India, especially it's Geography... As rightly put by Lord Byron,There is pleasure in the pathless woods,there is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society where none intrudes. By deep see and music in its roar,i love not the man less...but nature more....!

Lived in an ashram along the Ganges...

The beautiful aarti, and vedic chants at the Paramarth Ashram

 Tehri and new tehri...

The deeper you go,the higher you fly,
                                                                                            The higher you fly the deeper you go

..And I dance the thousand dances of love, all returning to you....

I love new years..., newness lies in the heart, it lies in you as to how you would want to make each day as different. 2013 shall be the year of more love... Happy 2013!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The pain is not a final destination.

Been thinking a lot lately about Time, Moments, People, Love, Pain and Pleasure. Love winter rain...
hope you all are doing well.. just felt like sharing these 2 songs that I'm stuck to at the moment... Enjoy and be well =) !

"The pain is not a final destination"

                                          Another version of Back to Black of Amy Winehouse

                                                    Baby it's cold outside- Lady Antebellum

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Time's a thief,
a stench of truth.
And moments are the dust in your eyes.
Sometimes, racing past you
Sometimes carrying you with itself.
Can you catch this dust?

Dust, that sometimes decorates your porcelain skin
as glitter around your eyes?
Dust, that at other times hypnotizes you
causing an episodic fugue?
Can you catch that dust?

Will you promise to catch this dust for me
and save in a jar called Nothing?
Will you promise love, not to label this star-dust?
and let it be OURS, forever...

1.12.12, 12:20 am.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Are you blind?

Firstly, I'm really happy to invite you all to one of my last 'performances' in college. After a month of directing  my juniors, I myself feel like going up on the stage and acting! Been really long..but then, it's kind of hard for me to facilitate and act at the same time. Today I'm remembering my dear seniors and 'teachers' who have given me some amazing moments on stage as co- actors as well as directors. We're nearing our performance..and the cast is all geared up. One thing I've realized about myself is that I really love working with amateur actors. I love workshopping with them.. It's so raw and beautiful and genuine! I'm going to miss all this... Anyway, so here's an open invitation to you all! :P

There's another thing i feel like writing about.. probably as means of catharsis. Something that has been irritating me since yesterday.. I was there at college yesterday, and reached there a little early for practice. Seemed like there was some event yesterday since it was buzzing with people from other colleges. So there's a place just outside our auditorium, a space between 4 pillars where students usually decorate Rangoli or an installation depending on what the event is. Yesterday the place was decorated with a beautiful rangoli. As I was sitting, waiting in the foyer, I noticed a girl run over the rangoli, and I literally had a jaw drop. I was shocked and before i could tell her, she ran away. Probably she was in a hurry. I got back to reading my book, when again I noticed a guy walk over the rangoli as if he was completely blind! :O That was the time I snapped and asked him why couldn't he walk around the pillar rather than walk OVER a piece or art?! It's not even as if there is a lack of space! And the worse thing is that I saw 3 more people doing that. Are people really blind that they can't SEE Art let alone appreciate it.. or they just ignorant!? Not belonging from our college is not even an excuse that i can fathom for such an act! Seeing the rangoli getting spoiled in front of my eyes, while i was there practicing was really really painful! =(

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Violet- Gold


Firstly, the bad news is that i've stopped WRITING the journal. Good thing is that i'm blogging. ;) I should write more...been procrastinating since a long time. As the journey to psychology keeps getting close, somehow developing the skill of writing seems imperative. Nevertheless, may be i'll go back to writing the journal every week, or at least will try to blog.
'Excuses' for all this is that lots of things are happening. Classifying them broadly in 2 categories: Theatre and Psychology.

Last week was crazy. I was asked to help in making some props to be used in a production facilitated by my theatre teacher/s. I was supposed to make 4 "abstract flutes/pipes". Now how does one make an abstract flute?! This involved a lot of trial and error. Finally agreed upon making the flutes with plastic water-bottles, since Sir quite appreciates my effort of re-cycling stuff. Raw structure-done! Now comes the difficult part- the colour and decoration of these flutes! crazy crazy. tried multiple colours-silver, gold, blue, orange. But ended up with the beautiful violet-gold. My love and association with violet-gold light keeps strengthening over the years...i love the way this light energy guides me through.

Another theatre venture that i've undertaken recently is that I'm directing a play. Just a psychology department initiative, but extremely special for me, because i think this is going be my last directorial venture. This play is also special because it is another perspective to another play that i did before. So i like to call it- Black White Etc II. We've picked up the theme of exploring the experience of Motherhood through the eyes of the women (and not the child, as psychology often does). Need your blessings in successful communication and exploration that i hope to do with this piece of art.

Also started my project of understanding the Meditation chakras and it's symbolism, thanks to Carl Jung! Let's see where this goes now...

Moreover, amidst all this psychodrama of life, paid a visit to explore raw idols of one of the Indian Mother Archetype... ;)
~ Embracing and seeking to know 'Ma'. Happy Durga Puja to all!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


My incandescent love for feathers and birds often also makes me accessorize and 'decorate' myself with them! When just recently when my sister teased me, pulling my leg, and a passing a comment that "You have so many feathers now, you better grow some wings?!" hehe..And so I did! found these beautiful 'Wing' earrings for myself, in the most beautiful of places, up north, while i was enjoying a vacation in the middle of beloved clouds and mountains, rain and rainbows! ;)

Journey to Dharamshala...

 A Freebird, black or white
Has flown away, out of sight
Caressing the clouds, into the blue
With wings of change, vivid and new...

 Breaking the cage of inhibition, she flies
The clipped wings unclipped, she dives,
In hues of creation and love that be
Expands gently the more she gives to thee...

Exploring the infinity far and wide
She formulates within,an adventure ride.
Topsy-turvy, the chasm, the abyss
A black cloak with golden lining, in times amiss...