Saturday, October 20, 2012

Violet- Gold


Firstly, the bad news is that i've stopped WRITING the journal. Good thing is that i'm blogging. ;) I should write more...been procrastinating since a long time. As the journey to psychology keeps getting close, somehow developing the skill of writing seems imperative. Nevertheless, may be i'll go back to writing the journal every week, or at least will try to blog.
'Excuses' for all this is that lots of things are happening. Classifying them broadly in 2 categories: Theatre and Psychology.

Last week was crazy. I was asked to help in making some props to be used in a production facilitated by my theatre teacher/s. I was supposed to make 4 "abstract flutes/pipes". Now how does one make an abstract flute?! This involved a lot of trial and error. Finally agreed upon making the flutes with plastic water-bottles, since Sir quite appreciates my effort of re-cycling stuff. Raw structure-done! Now comes the difficult part- the colour and decoration of these flutes! crazy crazy. tried multiple colours-silver, gold, blue, orange. But ended up with the beautiful violet-gold. My love and association with violet-gold light keeps strengthening over the years...i love the way this light energy guides me through.

Another theatre venture that i've undertaken recently is that I'm directing a play. Just a psychology department initiative, but extremely special for me, because i think this is going be my last directorial venture. This play is also special because it is another perspective to another play that i did before. So i like to call it- Black White Etc II. We've picked up the theme of exploring the experience of Motherhood through the eyes of the women (and not the child, as psychology often does). Need your blessings in successful communication and exploration that i hope to do with this piece of art.

Also started my project of understanding the Meditation chakras and it's symbolism, thanks to Carl Jung! Let's see where this goes now...

Moreover, amidst all this psychodrama of life, paid a visit to explore raw idols of one of the Indian Mother Archetype... ;)
~ Embracing and seeking to know 'Ma'. Happy Durga Puja to all!


  1. Namaste sister Bani, time is a real beast. I have always wanted a 32 hour day, I believe many others agree.

    Good to hear you will be spending more time with us. I am very interested in discovering what roads of knowledge your psychology courses take you relative to your search for spiritual truth.

    I thought your assessment of writing, as well, the need to rediscover language, to be extremely apropos. The closer we find ourselves to our language, the easier is our search for self.

    Your art has always intrigued me, however, in my world, Philosophy Is Queen.

    In Lak'ecg, dearest sister Bani, prospering in knowledge discovering another love...

    1. Thank you for being one of my mentors. Even I'm interested in seeing where 'life' takes me since it all seems new yet exciting. Whether it is spiritual, psychological or art endeavors, all that matters is the journey i guess.

  2. dear bani,

    well said -- "Whether it is spiritual, psychological or art endeavors, all that matters is the journey i guess." -- just keep going, there surely will be missteps along the journey, but Life needs to be lived ..
