Showing posts with label sanskrit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sanskrit. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2013



Free Association.

Mahakala: “On one hand there is the Saguna Brahman, the samsara, which is the infinity of forms, endless. On the other, the Nirguna Brahman, which is formless infinity, absolutely no form, zero as far as form is concerned. Between these two, connecting them together is Mahakala. He is the fulcrum, the tangent between Infinity and Zero.

Smarahara: “In Sanskrit, the word for memory and the word for the God of lust is the same: Smara. Desire is the cause of all karma, and when desire is destroyed memory too will go, and you will be free. That is why Losd Shiva is called Smarahara (meaning Destroyer of Lust as well as Destroyer of Memory.) Sma in grammar means “past”. Memory is the only past.  Sma-rahara is He who transforms you from present tense to past tense. He who kills you. Sma-shan is the place where you go from present to past, where you are transformed from existence into a memory.”

Kita bramari nyaya- the Law of Caterpillar and Butterfly: whatever you concentrate on you will eventually become.

Dhuni- sadhu’s fire

Kamaturnam na bhayam na lajja”: fear and shame do not exist for those afflicted with the disease of desire. 

The expression of Shakti in the physical body is Prana, the life force, the power which keeps body, mind and spirit functioning together as a living unit.

Third Eye

“My forehead aches a lot while meditating. It’s uncontrollable”.

“Why is there creation? Because of friction. Without friction there is no creation. And wherever there is friction, there is fire. Can you produce fire without friction? No. Unless you take it directly from the sun, using a magnifying glass for instance.”

"can you control creation? Art is my supreme creative expression. Free". 

‘Where even ravi (the sun) cannot reach, there will go a kavi (poet). But that does not go far enough. I say, ‘where even a kavi cannot reach, there will go an anubhavi (experiencer).”

Two souls merge into one another, can anyone describe it?

Ekamukhalingam. (completed on Mahashivratri 2012). pencil and silver paint on paper. 
Reference: Shiva Temple, Bhumara, Madhya Pradesh. 

On Mukhalingam- Read Iconography 

This journey of self exploration continues. 
content and satisfied. 
moving forward. 
already in love with 2013. 
with a smile. =) wish you all a very Happy Mahashivaratri! blessed be with wisdom and love. 

*Deep gratitude to Mom, for holding my hand and pushing me to discover/know/realize Shiva. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter 24

' Man is the infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere but whose center is located in one spot;
And God is the infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere but whose center is everywhere.
Man can be God and acquire control over the universe if he multiplies infinitely his center of self consciousness.'
(Source: Vendanta, The Voice of Freedom by Swami Vivekananda)

Chakras. A3. pencil colours and paint on paper
Crown Chakra.
Sound: NNG
I realize

Third Eye Chakra
Sound: AUM
I see
Throat Chakra
Sound: HAM
I speak
Heart Chakra
Sound: YAM
I love 

Solar Plexus Chakra
Sound- RAM
I Do

Sacral Chakra
Sound- VAM
I Feel
Root Chakra
Sound- LAM
I Am

[ Inspiration: 5 years of meditation and my sister gifting me a Heart Chakra T-shirt coincidentally when she didn't even know what it meant ;) ]