Showing posts with label pink floyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink floyd. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter 24

' Man is the infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere but whose center is located in one spot;
And God is the infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere but whose center is everywhere.
Man can be God and acquire control over the universe if he multiplies infinitely his center of self consciousness.'
(Source: Vendanta, The Voice of Freedom by Swami Vivekananda)

Chakras. A3. pencil colours and paint on paper
Crown Chakra.
Sound: NNG
I realize

Third Eye Chakra
Sound: AUM
I see
Throat Chakra
Sound: HAM
I speak
Heart Chakra
Sound: YAM
I love 

Solar Plexus Chakra
Sound- RAM
I Do

Sacral Chakra
Sound- VAM
I Feel
Root Chakra
Sound- LAM
I Am

[ Inspiration: 5 years of meditation and my sister gifting me a Heart Chakra T-shirt coincidentally when she didn't even know what it meant ;) ]