Showing posts with label colours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colours. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2013

A beautiful kind of madness...

Just so to update you, i am in the middle of getting my feet wet in the 2 most awaited events which i was looking forward to since a long time. The journey , though has just begun...
My desperate quest for knowing/understanding/learning Indian psychology has gifted me with a wonderful opportunity to be a part of a 4 day academic seminar and rigorous workshops ( ) with some of the best practitioners in this field from East and West. It was my first day today, and I am already filled to the brim! No points for guessing, I have high hopes and expectations from these four days of immersion in my own cultural philosophy.

Also equally exciting is the Centre exhibition ( ) which is to take place this weekend. I have, in  my own small ways, since many years, dedicated a part of my so called 'artistic abilities' to be manifested in any kind of re-cycling and re-using objects of daily use. There is a wonderful joy in just painting an old envelope or a paper bag to make it re-usable or using it as a canvas that  i can't explain!  This exhibition, primarily centering on just BEING (which i buy the way, absolutely love) is just another attempt to have fun with myself and self-absorb in some of the most simplest things i like to pursue which is making bookmarks, diaries, pens made of newspaper, and my newly discovered love of making fountain pens out of wood...

A sneak peek into my 'products' for this year! Hoping to have fun in this year's Exhi-sale !

A few hand made diaries, primarily reusing Wedding Cards

My quintessential bookmarks! =)

My newspaper pens! ;)

Newly tried old-styled fountain pens, for you to paint or try your hand at calligraphy! Made of simple nib, wood and feathers (self discovered and hand picked, i really love to pick up scraps from roads! :D ) Let's see how many 'mad' people like me are going to use it ! ;) 

Religiously restoring my sister's Tatting (threadwork jewellery) pattern-scraps to make make them into usable key chains! =)
Looking forward for other interesting stuff and feedback too ! more updates later!

Enjoy your weekend,
Love, Light and vibrant Colours!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter 24

' Man is the infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere but whose center is located in one spot;
And God is the infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere but whose center is everywhere.
Man can be God and acquire control over the universe if he multiplies infinitely his center of self consciousness.'
(Source: Vendanta, The Voice of Freedom by Swami Vivekananda)

Chakras. A3. pencil colours and paint on paper
Crown Chakra.
Sound: NNG
I realize

Third Eye Chakra
Sound: AUM
I see
Throat Chakra
Sound: HAM
I speak
Heart Chakra
Sound: YAM
I love 

Solar Plexus Chakra
Sound- RAM
I Do

Sacral Chakra
Sound- VAM
I Feel
Root Chakra
Sound- LAM
I Am

[ Inspiration: 5 years of meditation and my sister gifting me a Heart Chakra T-shirt coincidentally when she didn't even know what it meant ;) ]