Saturday, May 26, 2012


I had some questions.. help if you can...

Can INTENT be right or wrong?
 It can..right? That is why we can have a
person with an intent to harm others and another with an intent to
However, if an intent cannot be right or  wrong, it must be a FEELING..
So is Intent a feeling?

ps: I feel soo messed up!! need to sort myself out... big time... =(


  1. My Dictionary defines Intent as: purpose, reason. My dictionary also defines Feelings as: "the experiencing of affective and emotional states".
    How exactly do the two seem to be a same? Or the former a part of the latter?
    Also, considering that Intent is used a lot in Law, to make objective judgements, and I think judgements are all about differentiating right from wrong. For example: the intent to kill someone because you feel like it is Wrong, however bad you may Feel about it.

    1. i want to know if Intent is an Affective or a Cognitive process. also, is it Judgemental at all? [meaning it can be right or wrong?]
      also,do we think/decide our intentions or do we just play them out? but that's exactly one of the mesaages of Gita be AWARE of our Intention... soo then what is Awareness???? :S :=(

  2. Namaste sister Bani, I regret to hear you are not feeling well. Your questions however reflect a good road you have chosen to travel. When we take the time to inquire we are already making progress.

    Speaking to your queries; I see intent as a cognitive process driven by the thoughts, feelings and emotions which you covet in your heart. Feelings are cumulative representations of your perspective on manifest reality.

    I believe the problem you are having in defining these important words, is more a function of your need to impose a judgmental concepts of right and wrong. We all have a natural tendency to frame our world with dualistic reference points. Right and wrong are merely concepts we cling to which allows us to make sense of the insanity of the world. The maya we see externalised in our world is always a function of the turmoil we find within. To be blunt, the things we hate about ourselves inside we project outward. The end result is.... the ugly world we see outside is a direct function of the ugly world we have growing within. The beauty of this paradigm is that this is how we look at ourselves, this is how we connect to the light. When my world gets ugly the first thing I do is look within to see what part I am playing in the maya.

    This is by no means a reprimand sister, we are all the same. When we begin in earnest the search for self, we learn the darnedest of things. I do not believe right and wrong exist, there is only that which is...... a beautiful beingness we call consciousness, it is eternal, it is energy, it is always love reflecting itself for the purpose of discovery, evolution and of course LOVE. When we see judgment creep into our heart, we must stop and proceed very carefully. When we see good and bad // right and wrong we tend to accept one in favour of the other, this is ego messing with our mind, it is never a representative of unconditional love, it represents it's antithesis...... fear.

    In Lak' ech, dearest sister, whatever you think of me...... I will always love you.......

  3. dear bani, it is difficult to philosophize and even define. i am trying to put forth an honest opinion here, the way i see things. intent is a function of the will, and therefore more of the brain. as what aks had commented, intent is purpose or the reason behind our action. it can be right or beneficial or it can be wrong or harmful, if i guessed correctly the meanings you might be ascribing to the words right and wrong. feelings on the other hand are more of the heart, more of our reaction or response to some stimuli or action afforded to us. so, i will say intent is not a feeling.

  4. thanks chris and sito...(and aks)
    I think that's precisely what i wanted to hear... =) somehow the words (again)were acting as nails and creating holes. yes, i too detest judgements of right and wrong. It is minimal and holds little importance in the INTENT OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
    Thank you all for restoring my confidence.
    Love is definitely more stronger than fear. It has to be!

    Love with Gratitude. (thank you for being there!) =)
